Friday, 7 May 2010

Prime Minister Gordon Brown statement

The Prime Minister has given a live statement in front of Downing Street. The PM says he wants to resolve the situation for the good of the country. He said the economic challenges the country faces must be met. He stated he understands and respects Nick Clegg's decision to make contact first with David Cameron. The Prime Minister said a fairer voting system is needed and offered immediate legislation to bring this about. Gordon Brown is trying to keep all his options open and appear prime ministerial. He wants to convey the message that he is happy to talk to the Lib Dems, BBC political editor Nick Robinson says.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown says that, if talks between Nick Clegg and David Cameron fail, he will talk to Mr Clegg. He says they have concerns in common - political reform and dealing with the economic challenges ahead.
Mr Brown also stressed he remains Prime Minster, Alistair Darling remains Chancellor, stressing to the nation that they are in charge. At this momment Gordon Brown has the constitutional and moral right to try and form a government.