Saturday 22 May 2010

Lord Kinnock backs Ed Milliband for Labour Leader

22:16 BREAKING NEWS : Lord Kinnock has publicly endorsed Ed Miliband in his campaign to become the next Labour leader.
In an interview with tomorrow's Observer, he describes the former energy secretary as having the electoral "X-factor" and "the capacity to inspire people". The former Labour leader added, "Ed Miliband is very bright, including politically bright. He is hugely energetic. He is fluent...he has got the capacity to inspire people, which we need. And that marks him out as a special kind of young potential leader"

I would say this is crucial endorsement for Ed Milliband. Lord Kinnock is still very much highly regarded in the Labour Party, both in the PLP and the grassroots. Labour members would certainly take Kinnock's views on board before making their choice for Labour Leader.